actually it was my second trip to manicure.. NOT a BIG FAN.. coz i think it's kinda waste of money... but after today... i have change my mind....
showing off with our bare naked nails....
1: cutting ur nails to the lenght u want...
2: shaping
3: cuticle cleaning
4: and choose the colour u desire....
5: top coat for nail protection... i even put on nail strengthener too...
6: nail polish... NO PIC... coz both of my hand is relaxing kao kao..
after an hour....while waiting for drying... ohhh... i love my nails... (just add another RM10 for french manicure...)
and how's voon over there.. seems like she quiet enjoy too...
Manicure means taking cares of your hands to make them look beautiful. This process helps in healthy formation of nails. It stops many problems of nails like splits, brittle edges and scratches.
fall in love to manicure?
everyone is spending so much on their facial product or even the facial service but forget about their hand... *which actually we cant survive without our hand and i cant even manage to type this post for u all...
NOW I LOVE MY HAND EVEN MORE... coz it's so smooth and i LOVE MY NAILS TOO..
and what ya waiting for... 2 more days to go... make ur booking now and enjoy the FREE manicure service... and u will love it....
call christy to reserve urself a seat.... free trial untilll 26th of may only... do dial 012~7721996

not only their free service is worth to try...even their pedicure is just RM35... so reserve on monday... so no more MONDAY BLUES lo...
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