it's 2 hours before the party... *wasnt sure what to wear yet* Just bought a mask for the party.. so no one will recognize me during the party *smart le*
emeryn reached my place... ( we just prepare together and i'll be fetching her there)
she bring so many stuffs to my place... that it's actually occupied 1/3 of my bed space.. taking care of emeryn d'croch while emeryn is preparing...
voon... trying to be not standout..
emeryn- the croc's hunter *so cute la*
me... just wear what ever i have la.. by the way i never wore this before and i bought it from like last year cny.. but lose weight so tak jadi pakai..... but i gained back recently... so.. *GREAT*(wonder gaining weight is good or not.. haha)
eh.. actually i think i kinda dress like those tiger beer poster la.. (normally u can see it at *char sat* hawker center1) just that i'm holding a mask instead of the BEEEEER... hahahaa
BMW 750Li
3 years ago
1 dreams:
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