In the pass few days.. I got fever, flu, cough, leg cramp... After all... It's wasn't that safe to stay in malaysia also.. Actually alot of my frens wasn't really want me to travel to australia.. Especially when the virus spreading rapidly in melb. (luckily i'm going to perth) latest update on A(h1n1) in malaysia is getting real bad.. It's start spreading among ourselves instead of those virus *bringer* from other countries(most of them was infected during their melb trip)
and today.. 6school has an emergency call off.. And 1of the school is just so near to my house which is du, and others were assunta school, shah alam sec 9, wangsa maju, and i cant remember.. (so i guess it's like since malaysia is spreading already.. So there's no reason why i'm not travelling lo.. Ha ha..) anyway.. To malaysian.. Just don get panic.. Just stay clean and be healthy..
BMW 750Li
3 years ago
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